Welcome to our website. a website that provides free powerpoint templates and google slides. this time we come with a modern template that can beautify your presentation. As usual, we provide templates for free. You don't have to pay or watch anything to get this template. just click the download link and extract the downloaded file. there will be three files in the link you extracted. one file in powerpoint format, one file in google slides format and one file in txt format. Hopefully the templates that we share can make your work easier. see you again. I hope you are always healthy and thank you for visiting our website.
KEWER - Modern Presentation Template is a simple and versatile presentation template. This template can be used for various purposes, such as :Creative Agency, Corporate and Business,Travel, blog, Media Agency Startup, Wedding, Company Profile and alco can be used for Personal Portofolio.
I hope the template that I share can save you time in making presentations and hopefully it can make it easier for you to attract the attention of the audience
- Before opening the template. Please install the font below so that the appearance of the template does not change : ARCHIVO ___ ARCHIVO NARROW
- There are 20 Slides can be downloaded for free
- Available in google slides format and powerpoint format
- Just drag and drop images
- we do not include images in this template
- if you want get the similiar images, you can visit this website : UNSPLASH
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